Garbage Odor Problems
Often times homes are plagued with stench from garbage. Unfortunately, most ventilation systems only recirculate room air and remove large particulate matter such as dirt, dust, and lint. Pungent garbage odors are left free to recirculate in the air you breathe and will increase in concentration if left untreated. When garbage is stored outdoors, it will continue to emit nasty odors especially in warm weather and attract flies. Offensive garbage odors could lead to complaints from neighbors. Covering up these odors with masking agents like perfumes pollute the air with chemicals and often times result in even more offensive smells.
The Solution
The Smelleze® Garbage Deodorizer Granules were specially developed to adsorb, neutralize, and encapsulate pungent garbage odors on contact. Smelleze® will truly cleanse the air of offensive odors, reduce fly infestation, complement existing ventilation systems and result in a fresh smelling environment. This will help create a healthy, chemical free home that will be appreciated by the whole family.
It's No Cover-up
The Smelleze® Garbage Deodorizer Granules are a natural deodorizer that can be used to eliminate pungent garbage, bacteria, mold, and mildew odors instead of merely masking them with fragrances. Smelleze® is negatively charged whereas odoriferous gases ride on positively charged particles. As a result, Smelleze® draws in garbage odors like a strong magnet. Thereafter, it traps, neutralizes, and encapsulates the odors without smelly cover-ups. The molecular structure of Smelleze® is made up of a lattice structure arranged to form a honeycomb framework of billions of interconnecting channels. This gives Smelleze® a surface area that is larger than several football fields. The latter enables Smelleze® to adsorb phenomenal amounts of garbage odors.
Environmentally Friendly
The Smelleze® Garbage Deodorizer Granules are non-toxic, safe, non-hazardous, natural, non-scented, and non caustic. This environmentally friendly product is ideal for eliminating garbage odors without adding pollutants to the air you breathe. Smelleze® does not contain chemical additives and is beneficial for those suffering from chemical sensitivity.
Smelleze® can be effectively used to eliminate all types of unpleasant domestic garbage odors.
For a breath of fresh air, simply sprinkle 1/4-1/2 cup Smelleze® granules in a regular garbage can and smell the difference. This amount should be increased proportionately for large garbage cans until the odor is eliminated. There is no upper limit to the amount of Smelleze® that can be utilized. Repeat this treatment for each batch of garbage. For the best results, keep the garbage can covered after it has been treated with Smelleze® since it will function most efficiently in an enclosed area. For extra effectiveness, use this product in conjunction with Smelleze® General Purpose Deodorizer Pouch.
The unused Smelleze® Garbage Deodorizer is non-hazardous and environmentally safe. However, this may change if it is exposed to hazardous or toxic substances. Used Smelleze® should be disposed according to all relevant local, state, and federal regulations.
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Destroy Stinky Garbage Odors!
The stench from garbage can be a big problem especially in warm weather. In addition to stinky smells, you could also be inundated by flies, maggots, ants and other insects. Offensive garbage odors could also lead to complaints from neighbors.
The Smelleze® Garbage Deodorizer Granules were specially developed to destroy pungent garbage odors on contact without masking them with fragrances. For a breath of fresh air, simply sprinkle these environmentally friendly granules in the garbage can and smell the difference. Smelleze® will truly cleanse the air of offensive garbage odors, reduce insect infestation, complement existing ventilation systems and result in a fresh smelling environment. This will help create a healthy, chemical free home that will be appreciated by the whole family. As an added benefit, Smelleze® also makes an excellent additive for smelly garbage used for composting and will control flies.
Smelleze® is non-toxic, safe, natural, odorless, non-flammable and non-caustic. Smelleze® is an ideal environmentally friendly solution for eliminating stinky garbage odors without adding pollutants to the air you breathe. It does not contain VOCs, harmful or ozone depleting chemicals and is especially beneficial for those suffering from allergies and chemical sensitivity. No fossil fuels are used in the production of Smelleze® odor control media.
Q & A
Questions & Answers
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We have our home garbage container picked up every other week. The smell is very stinky. do you have any product that we can use. Or any samples we can try.
Use Smelleze Natural Garbage Deodorizer Granules for eliminatingreallytough stinky odors in garbage cans, dumpsters, compactors, and chutes. For a breath of fresh air, simply sprinkle Smelleze granules into the garbage after it's emptied and if necessary when it's half-filled.. It's as easy as that! You have the flexibility to increase or decrease the amount you use depending on the level of odor. So you might want to use less in the cooler weather and save or use a little more when the weather gets hot to keep the odor under control.
Hello, I live in a ground floor flat which has rubbish chute above and an attached rubbish room on the outside. The rubbish odour permeates through the flat and leaves an underlying smell on all my freshly laundered clothes/items. What would you recommend I use to combat this problem? Thank you.
I would recommend using SmellRid Reusable Activated Carbon Odour Removers in each room with the rubbish smell to neutralize it as it enters your flat. Getting rid of this odour will help keep your clothes smelling fresher but you can also place these pouches inside your wardrobe and draws for extra protection. In addition, I would suggest recommending to the person in charge of the rubbish, to sprinkle SMELLEZE Eco Garbage Deodorizer Granules in the bin. This will help stop the odours at its source and further help you.
Hi, I have a restaurant property in the Greater Toronto area. Next door is a garbage room. As the weather is getting really hot these days, there is garbage smell emitted into the restaurant and my tenant is complaining that customers are leaving almost as soon as they step in the restaurant. The restaurant is about 1,200-1,300 s.f. Please advise if you have any useful products to deodorize the smell. Your help will be much appreciated. Thanks and best regards.
Firstly, I would recommend using SMELLEZE Garbage Deodorizer Granules in teh garbage roon. This product is routinely used in commercial applications like yours to eliminate the trash odors safely. All you have to do is sprinkle the granules and smell the difference! Secondly, you can also use SMELLEZE Restaurant Deodorizer Pouches inside the restaurant to absorb and eliminate odors without covering-up with fragrances. You can put them inside the air vents to continuously filter your air and they can also be placed in areas with the bad odors. These pouches can also be placed in the garbage room. We ship daily to Canada and don't charge VAT so its cost effective and quick as well.
Reusable Odor Eliminators That Work!
No Cover-Ups • All Natural • Fragrance, Chemical & Toxin Free • Eco-Smart
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