Unleash the Deodorizing Power of Nature™
Odoreze™ Wastewater Odor Control Spray is formulated from a unique blend of natural and environmentally friendly ingredients to provide a powerful deodorizing action. It was specially developed to attack and destroy many odoriferous gases like organic acids, ammonia, amines, mercaptans and hydrogen sulfide produced by anaerobic bacteria in wastewater operations.To Unleash the Deodorizing Power of Nature™, simply spray Odoreze™ on odor producing areas and smell the difference!
Safe Environmentally Friendly Ingredients
The Odoreze™ Wastewater Odor Control Spray is a biodegradable, non-toxic and non- flammable deodorizer. It is made entirely from safe naturally derived ingredients. Odoreze™ does NOT contain hazardous air pollutants, ozone depleting substances, phosphates, nitrates, nonyl phenols, carcinogens, fragrances, dyes, alcohols, caustic, ammonia, chlorine bleach, quats, silicates, chlorinated solvents or petroleum distillates. It is a high performance odor control product without the environmental, health and safety issues associated with conventional deodorizers containing harmful synthetic chemicals. Furthermore, all ingredients are approved by the FDA (Food & Drug Administration) under 21 CFR-172.510 and FEMA 3121 and on the GRAS (Generally Regarded as Safe) list. Odoreze™ meets and the toughest regulations in existence today making it safer for all and provides an ideal green solution for eliminating wastewater odors without adding pollutants to the environment.
Sustainable Wastewater Odor Solution
Odoreze™ is made from all natural renewable resources and reduces the carbon footprint. By focusing on supplying a super concentrated product, packaging waste is significantly reduced which makes a positive impact on landfills. This also reduces the energy expanded to transport ready to use liquid deodorizers which can consist of as much as 95% water! And what is good for the planet is also good for you because a super concentrated product ends up saving you money without compromising quality!
How Odoreze™ Controls Wastewater Odors
The Odoreze™ Wastewater Odor Control Spray utilizes state of the art biotechnology and works in a uniquely effective manner to eliminate wastewater odors. Firstly, it immediately binds to the odor causing molecules such as organic acids, hydrogen sulfide and ammonia to destroy them. Secondly, it inactivates the enzyme urease which converts nitrogen and urea to noxious and unpleasant smelling gases like ammonia. Thirdly, it destroys odor producing anaerobic bacteria and promotes the growth of friendly aerobic odor destroying bacteria. Odoreze™ does not merely mask wastewater odors, it truly eliminates them and prevents their formation using the Deodorizing Power of Nature.
Odoreze™ Wastewater Odor Control Spray can be effectively used to eliminate the wide variety of odors generated in municipal and industrial wastewater facilities.
The following directions apply to municipal and other wastewater applications. Due to the concentrated nature of wastes from food processing, rendering and some other industrial applications, higher dosages of Odoreze™ then those recommended below may be required to achieve desired process optimization and odor reduction.
1. Sewers and Lift Stations
Strong odors from hydrogen sulfide generated from putrefying wastewater or slime coated concrete surfaces can be produced in sewers and lift stations. Depending upon the level of odor, diluted Odoreze™ in the range 1:100 to 1:1000 should be sprayed onto concrete surfaces of lift stations to control odors. In addition, Odoreze™ may also be metered into the lift station and sewage flows at rates of 1-5 ppm to reduce sewage odors. If wet scrubbers using caustic or chlorine are used for lift station air treatment, a 1:200 solution Odoreze™ may be substituted with the scrubber blowdown discharge directly into the sewage flow. Use of Odoreze™ may reduce or eliminate the need for activated carbon in the lift station odor treatment, producing significant savings.
2. Grit Chambers
Grit chambers and screens are typically employed at sewage plants to remove very large and heavy grit from sewage flows before pumping to aeration basins. Since these areas accumulate large quantities of garbage, hair, and other odorous materials, they are commonly the source of many odors at these plants. Concentrated or diluted Odoreze™ may be metered directly into grit chambers, sprayed onto screens with automatic spraying equipment, or metered into the sewage plant influent prior to these processes. Typical metering doses are 3 to 5 ppm of stock Odoreze™ effective odor control. Diluted or concentrated Odoreze™ may also be applied to screenings as they are removed and used to deodorize surfaces and equipment on a regular basis.
3. Aeration Chambers & Ponds
Most sewage plants in the US utilize stabilization ponds, aerated ponds or aerated activated sludge-type biological secondary treatment plants to digest sewage organics into excess bacterial sludge. Since the processes rely upon efficient aerobic metabolism of the treatment microorganisms, Odoreze™ has been used to increase process microbe activity and reduce odors from aerosol formation. Odoreze™ application may also help to control filamentous organisms, which produce foaming and poor settling. A dosage of 3 to 5 ppm of concentrated Odoreze™ into the sewage flow is effective. Treatment ponds or chambers should first be treated with a one time "shock dose" of 10 to15 ppm concentrate to acclimatize the aerobic biomass to the effects of Odoreze™. Following the shock dose treatment, regular "maintenance doses" of 3 to 5 ppm of concentrate to sewage flow should be added daily to the headworks or directly into the basins or chambers.
4. Final Clarifiers and Sludge Thickeners
A dosage of 3 to 5 ppm of Odoreze™ concentrate may be added to the sewage flow in final clarifiers and sludge thickeners, and may also be sprayed in concentrated or diluted form into concrete weirs, metal launders and other components which may harbor sulfide-producing slime growths.
5. Anaerobic Sludge Digesters
Odoreze™ can control volatile fatty acid buildup in anaerobic sludge digesters. This increases process stability, reduces odors in sludge discharge, improves methane gas production and reduces or eliminates the need for supplemental caustics, such as lime, which can precipitate in digester tanks. A shock dose of 15 ppm and maintenance doses of 5 to 8 ppm concentrated Odoreze™ is recommended. Aerobic sludge digesters will also benefit from a 3 to 5 ppm daily maintenance program of concentrated Odoreze™.
6. Sludge Dewatering and Drying
Sludge dewatering and drying beds or processes typically produce the strongest and most objectionable odors at plants. Odoreze™ may be mixed into sludge prior to dewatering at a 10 ppm dosage to help control odors and a 1:200 diluted solution may be sprayed onto the surface of sludge in drying beds to further reduce odors. Also, a 10 ppm dosage may be applied to the sludge prior to mechanical dewatering via belt press or centrifuge, and equipment may be washed down with a 1:200 solution of Odoreze™ during cleanup procedures. Odoreze™ may be used during land application of sludges by mixing 10 ppm of concentrated Odoreze™ into sludge prior to injection or surface spreading.
Once mixed with water, the diluted OdorezeTMshould be used within 2-3 days to ensure optimal activity of the product. If you need to store the diluted solution for longer, add 0.15 g sodium benzoate/gallon diluted Odoreze™ or 0.1 oz copper sulphate/gallon diluted Odoreze™ gallons to preserve it.
Odoreze™ is conveniently available in super concentrated 16 oz. container at a competitive price. Odoreze™ Wastewater Odor Control Spray is easily diluted to make over 125 gallons saving you money and the environment from packaging and energy waste. The concentrated product is also available in larger sizes upon request.
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Get Rid Of Wastewater Odors & Make Your Neighbors Happy!
Ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, amines and mercaptans are among the many smelly chemicals produced by anaerobic bacteria that you have to deal with at your treatment plant or related facility. Rather than breathing these bad effluent odors every day and getting complaints from neighbors, eradicate them with Odoreze® Eco Wastewater Odor Treatment Additive. Our biodegradable, non-toxic, eco-friendly product destroys wastewater odors safely instead of masking them to provide you with a much more pleasant-smelling facility to work in.
To use, simply dilute our Odoreze® deodorizer super-concentrate with water in the 1:100 to 1:1000 range depending on the severity of the smell and apply. Odoreze® can be used to remove effluent odors in sewers, lift stations, grit chambers, aeration chambers/ponds, final clarifiers, sludge thickeners, sludge dewatering or drying beds, and anaerobic sludge digesters. No matter where you use Odoreze® in your waste water application, the result is always the same: elimination of the strongest wastewater smell!
Odoreze® works using a remarkable two step mechanism to deliver a 1-2 knock-out punch to waste water odors! Firstly, it starts by immediately attacking and neutralizing effluent smells. Secondly, this powerful eco-smart wastewater deodorizer controls malodors for days after applying by encouraging the growth of friendly odor destroying bacteria to produce long lasting results which continues to build up with repeated use.
Odoreze® Eco Wastewater Odor Treatment Additive is environmentally-friendly and safe to use. It’s ingredients are on the Generally Regarded as Safe (GRAS) list and was formulated without harsh synthetic chemicals and pollutants, including chlorine bleach, nonylphenols, carcinogens, dyes, ozone depleting substances, petroleum distillates, and silicates among others. It is made from all-natural, renewable resources to reduce your facility’s carbon footprint. Additionally, our product is non-flammable for your safety and convenience
Banish waste water odors for good! Enjoy using our natural deodorizer and create a better environment to work and live in without the use of expensive harsh, eco-UNfriendly chemicals.
Q & A
Questions & Answers
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What can I use as a preservative for longer-term storage of a diluted solution of Odoreze? Thanks.
Unfortunately, we do not have a good answer for that. We do not use any type of preservatives, so can't recommend using one in the Odoreze products.
The NoOdor.com Odor Solutions Team
We are reusing around 500 litres of water in our wash station that has an inbuilt filtration system. The water is relatively clean but has quite a bad door after around 10 or so cycles. Could you please recommend a dosage amount and how often we should be dosing a 500 litre tank? Thanks in advance,
I would recommend adding 1 litre Odoreze to 500 litres of your wash water. Repeat as often as is required to control the odor. It may take a bit of trial and error to determine the optimal frequency which will depend on the level of odour. But once you determine this, it will just be a matter of repeating it.
I run a fertilizer storage warehouse with liquid fertilizer tanks that smell - anything to help with that stench?
I would recommend using ODOREZE Natural Wastewater Odor Eliminator to clean and deodorize the tanks. In addition, place SMELLEZE Reusable Chemical Smell Eliminator Pouches in the warehouse and your air ducts to remove and eliminate the fertilizer odors.
I have a lift pump in my basement to remove toilet, shower and other waste waters from a covered crock. There is awful smell! How or what can I use to kill or eliminate it?
You can add Odoreze Waste Water Odor Control Additive to your crock to treat the smelly effluent. This will control and eliminate the horrible smelling odors from the waste water.
Reusable Odor Eliminators That Work!
No Cover-Ups • All Natural • Fragrance, Chemical & Toxin Free • Eco-Smart
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